Monday, February 25, 2008

lay 10 dollars down

V for Vendetta, Book Two

Then things went to hell in a handbasket. But that's usually where things go, when you think they can't get any worse. Isn't it?

Book 1: Europe after the War. A specific time and place. Specific events. V was, to me anyway, a specific person. I was on his side. Sure, he was a cold-blooded serial killer, but I believed in what he stood for.

Book 2: The Vicious Cabaret. Perhaps he's not a who, perhaps he's a what. Before it seemed like a strategic political plot, now I wonder if V is not a completely insane guy playing an elaborate game. One where no one wins.

After what he did to Evey, I don't know if I can be on his side anymore. Maybe he taught her an important lesson. But I can't get behind that.

I suppose V has always been more of a concept that a person, even if he does have a specific history. What does V mean to you?

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